Cuddle with her?

From Create Your Own Story

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She so cute like a sleeping angle but with smaller tits but you still want to be close to her, after last night you feel something towards her... not just a lustful boner but something else. Sliding you arm under her waist you pull up next to her and press your body next to hers letting her warmth from her body fill you up. Giving her a small kiss on her neck Rose twist and turns as she groans slightly under the pressure of your lips.

"Is it morning already...?" She mutters out blocking the light coming from the window.

"Ya... it is... but we don't have to get up yet." You reach you hands up and start to toy with her nipples making her arch her back.

"Hmm...great way to wake up..." Her voice coos at your touch, roll your finger just around the edge of her of her puff pink nipple.

"Mmmm... that's good." She reaches back over her leg and takes a hold of your cock, with your boxers still hanging at the edge of the bed you had forgotten where off. Bring your other hand other you place it on her crotch the cotton material of her skirt brushing on your skin. As she strokes your cock down its meaty shaft, keeping it slow, you start to massage her pussy through her clothes.

"Keep that up and your going to need new sheets." She giggles, picking up her pace, wanting to keep up with what she is doing up push her skirt up and slip your fingers past her panties and into the lips of her pussy. Gasping Rose's grip tightens around your dick making you jerking forward brushing your cock against her ass slipping it into her ass crack through her skirt making her whelp and tighten her grip even harder.

"Easy...." She whispers.

"You're one to talk." You grin as you lick her neck and start to pump your finger inside her pussy causing her to squirm at your touch. With her rapid movements you dick prods and pokes her ass crack, seeming a warm wave of pleasure around your dick. Thruster deeper inside her you wiggle your finger you brush the lining of her pussy as more of her juices flow around your finger, running around her love canal. Rubbing her hand up and down your shaft from the base of your head down to your base she starts pumping faster every thrust pushing up deeper into her ass crack, till the point you can feel her ass hole kissing the tip of head.

"Fuck... its too much... I...." As a wave of pleasure sends shivers down your spine you climax at the same time she does sending cums spraying under the sheets as you pumping away sending most of your cum into her ass crack coating the back of her skirt in white. Your hand gets soaked in Rose's pussy juices as she yells out in ecstasy her pussy suck and pulling at your finger trying to sink you further inside of her.

Load after load your strength grows weak and you hands drop down as Rose goes limp as well the two of your trying to catch your breath.

"As always... you don't disappoint Rose." You lean over and kiss her neck as she giggles at the feeling.

Suddenly the two of you hear foot steps rushing down the hallway and up too your door.

"HEEEEEEEY! You awake!" Small fists bang on the door.


"Fuck" Rose finishes your sentence as you two flip over to the door to see Bayeley prying the door open as she rushes into the room.

"Gooooood morning!" She shouts as she hops onto the edge of the bed making it bounce up and down.

Seeing Rose has covered the sheets up to her eyes you can see terror in her eyes at being caught but you keep a calm look on yours, trying to play this on off, you might not be the strongest guy but you're silver tongue and the fact that she is so young you can get yourself out.

"Why is Rose in your bed? Huuuuuuuuh?" She questions as she cocks her head to the side, thinking quickly you come up with something that should work.

"Oh... she watched that scary movie last night and couldn't sleep alone." You grin as you eye Rose, usually she would give you a dirty work but she is still hold out of this plan to work.

"It was pretty scary, guess Rose isn't as tough as she thinks she is." Bayley laughs.

"Just what I was thinking, right Rose?" You laugh.

"Shut up...." She glares at you.

"Anyway she had to sleep with me, that's it."

"Ohhhh ok!" She gives you a thumbs up and jumps off the bed to the door way as she turns around.

"Don't forget about the carnival today!" She mentions as she races out the door way.

"Forgot all about that... you wanna go Rose?" You turn to her as you take notice that she is crossing her arms over her chest.

"What?" You question her.

"Scare am I?" She glares at you as she slugs you in the arm hard, though you can tell she is playing with you.

"Ow... well next time I'll let you do the talking." You laugh as you rub your arm.

Congratz on plowing your way to day 2, it is now Saturday!

Do you:

Though this chain of the story has reached day 2 I wont be writing it until all of day 1 is completed, sorry to make you wait, but I like some order too all of this. Hope you have enjoyed it, gonna be awhile before I write all of day 1, so go check out some other paths and see what happens.

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