A picture of Katie

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Slightly nervous Apparel and Items: ?
Day, Time Morning, middle of English class
Need to Bathroom None
Level of Humiliation None

Katie's eyes nearly popped out of her eyes as she saw her own naked body on the picture. It was in the locker room, with her holding a razor and shaving off her pubic hair. The picture was halfway through the actual shaving, but showed everything - her face, her spread and open vagina, her large butt beneath her, and her breasts with both nipples exposed. Off to the side Katie could also see the arm of a girl. She recognized the time this was taken! This was when she first joined the cheerleaders over a year ago! How did this get into circulation!?

"Katie, we are waiting..." Mrs. Appleby said with some annoyance in her tone.

"Umm, one moment Mrs. Appleby!" Katie replied, turning her back to the waiting class as she read the backside of the picture.

- If you don't following our commands precisely, you will find several hundred copies of this photo, along with several others, posted around the school. - Katie eyes were frozen on those first words, horrified at the thought of the entire school seeing her naked body. Her adventures weren't all that well known, because the cheerleaders had been using their exposure as blackmail against her.

"Katie..." Mrs. Appleby repeated, tapping her finger on the desk.

Katie read on...

Katie's Nude English Adventure - Katie Has to Leave the Classroom Immediately and Go to the Boy's Bathroom

Katie's Nude English Adventure - Katie Has to Strip to Her Underwear While Presenting

Katie's Nude English Adventure - Katie as to Go Through the Rest of Class With Her Panties Off

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