Join the guys

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:05, 19 July 2014 by Morgoth1138 (Talk | contribs)
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You walk up to the guys and nod and greet them with a "what up bros?"

They give you high fives and fist bumps but look a little confused as they don't know. They don't look that confused though as you are obviously no stranger to the weight room.

You say, "I'm new to school here and this looks like my kind of crowd."

They laugh, "Yeah we don't need class, just come here to get huge for football and those Division 1 scholarships. Don't need no math. You wanna start pumping iron."

"Sure!" You respond as you head the weight room.

You miss the morning classes so its Time for Lunch

This trend of skipping class to lift continues for a few weeks. [Weight +10. Intelligence -1. You are now friends with: The Football Team]

Height 6'2" High School Prestige


Weight 255
Attractiveness 7
Intelligence 4
Current Penis Length 6 Inches
Arousal 0%
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