DIF Change seats with Daniel

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:48, 4 July 2014 by Wasylq (Talk | contribs)

"Hi," He said smiling when you approached "I'm Zach."

You sat down and reached for your headphones "Why did I change my seats with him anyway?" you asked yourself trying to untangle your headset. He was trying to talk to you, but you didn't really believed this kid might have something interesting to say. He might be, what... 10? You closed your eyes, let the music to put you to sleep...

Felling of suspense woke you up. Something was wrong. The stewardess ran right pas you to the back of the plane. Masks fell down from the celling...

The plane is about to crash. Who will survive? Up to four persons, including you, may survive.

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