Downfall/Sue stands on the lid

From Create Your Own Story

Sue quickly recognizes only a contortionist could remove a pair of pantyhose without treading barefoot on the ground, something she understandably doesn't want to do in a public toilet. You spread your legs and signal Sue to stand on the small space you made for her. Sue gets out of her pumps and climbs on the lid. There is just enough space for her feet, but her heels protrude over the edge of the lid. Sue has to press her hands against the stall walls to have a safe stand. That leaves you with the task of removing the pantyhose.

By now it is obvious that Sue is more than a helpful stranger. The situation developed quickly, but you don't mind that at all. Sue is a very attractive woman, and if you happened to stumble over the only other adventurous person in the airport, you might as well see how far you can go with her. First, go on with the charade and get her pantyhose off.

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