Unwritten/Chun/Look for a job first

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You figure you'll look for a job first and then look for a place to stay nearby. There aren't that many places you can just walk in and start working though. You weigh your options.

There's a nightclub you used to frequent nearby, you're friends with the owners and are pretty sure he'd love to employ you. From what you know of the place, there's mostly middle-class customers. Not too many shady or dangerous characters. Offcourse - it's a nightclub so.. The girls get paid pretty decently and there's a number of heavy tippers who frequent the place. Also, the best girls are often requested in the V.I.P. booth where the wealthy patrons are.

You know a stripper's club a little ways off, you allready went and worked there occasionally to earn an extra bit of spending money. They leave how far to go completely up to the girl so you started off with some innocent enough teasing. Eventually, you got around to some serious stripping as well though. You find you quite enjoy having grown men drool over you. You're certain the owner wouldn't mind having you around as a full-time employee and you know several of the regulars and other girls allready.


Health 100 Equipment:

Normal jeans, Blue Tank Top, large bag

Stamina 100
Morale 60 Inventory:

chinese elegant dress, pink party outfit, 2 water bottles, 1 Boxed Lunch, 7 snacks, Rain Coat

Money 800$
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