Hot and Horny/Miranda Josh room play porn offer

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"What happened to 'no talking'?"

You ignore your brother's comment. You're sure that the sooner you participate the sooner he won't be mad anymore.

"It's okay. I can do this if you want."

Reaching down you grab onto Josh's wiener below where his hand is, right next to your panties. Josh immediately stops pulling himself and lets go. You watch his hand drift away then stare down at your own, gripping him softly but firmly. Touching him here is weird. It's really, really warm; almost hot. You're getting butterflies in your stomach just from the feel of his thing under your fingers.

"...are you sure?" Josh asks after your inaction.

"Of course I am!" you reply, trying to emulate your sister.

But in reality you have no clue what you're supposed to be doing. Josh was rubbing you a minute ago so this can't be that weird. Still, no one at school has every talked about doing this with their brothers before.

You feel it twitch in your grip which startles you. Your bring your other hand down on it and clasp your fingers around it. Your fingers are so tiny compared to Josh's thing! You can barely lock your fingers together.

Now that you're squeezing tighter you can really feel it. You're surprised at how hard it is. Most of the penises you've seen are really small and just sort of flop around. Your brother's is a little squishy at first but then really stiff. You squeeze a few more times before realizing that it is pulsing in your hand. It's like it has a life of its own!

Something catches your eye. You only now notice, but there's a clear liquid starting to come out!

"Eww, Josh! Are you peeing?" you ask, your curiosity bringing you to lean closer.


"What is this then?" you say, pointing.

"It's called... ejaculate."

"Edg-" You're not sure how to say that word. Why did he pick such a hard word to say?! "What is it?"

Your brother is fiddling with your hair again. It feels nice. "It's like lotion."


You're no less confused but no less curious either. You plant the tip of your finger right in the middle of it all then pull away. The liquid stretches away like a string before breaking and going back to it's little pool. You smile and put your finger right back in to play with his lotion, moving your finger tip in a circle, pushing all around the edge of the skin he was pulling on. Josh plants his hands on your knees and moans. He likes it!

Happy to make him happy, you cover the top with your palm (barely) and twist your wrist around, rubbing the top of his wiener all over and spreading the lotion. But there's a lot there. You switch hands and rub harder, in part just happy to be getting dirty. It's always fun to get dirty! But after a few moments Josh grabs your wrist and stops you.

"That's not how you... umm, yeah."

He let's go, but now you're confused again. Does he want to do something else now?

You are:
Miranda, age 6
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