FOTR/they have the Ring with them

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Thankfully, the journey to the Gray Havens is uneventful. With the Ringwraiths temporarily defeated, the roads west of the Shire are safe - and before long, they are assembling with the rest of the White Council.

Although he is advised by Gandalf and Galadrial, the White Council is led by Sauruman the White. In addition to those three, the council consisted of one other Wizard (Radagast the Brown) and three other Elven Lords (Elrond, Glorfindel, and Cirdan).

This meeting was different. For the first time, Elrond proposed that a man be permitted to join the council - and he proposed that man was Aragorn. Galadrial backed up this decision, based on her observation of him around the Ring and fighting the Ringwraiths. And of course, Gandalf was supportive as well. Glorfindel, Cirdan, and Radagast seemed to have no opinion - Radagast only argued once again that Treebeard and Bombadil should be given places on the council. Only Sauruman was against the decision, and he was the leader of the White Council - who had vetoed the admission of men before. This time, Gandalf said the matter was so urgent that all of the free people would need to be represented. Sauruman responded, if we are to have the childish and trustworthy men join the council, what is next? Halflings?

At that moment, Galadrial stepped forward and ushered Frodo and Sam into the room. "What an excellent idea! And who should represent the shire - how about you, Samwise? I see leadership in your future." And that is how both men and hobbits came to join the White Council, and join in it's most important vote.

Knowing that the Ring was with them in the Gray Havens, the Council started to consider their options.

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