
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:44, 8 March 2014 by TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)
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This is it. The moment of truth. You cross the garage to the tool wall and, with shaky hands, slip the hand saw off the rack and wrap your fingers around the handle. It feels heavy. Heavier than it should. Anticipation courses through your veins. Each tooth, razor sharp and made to cut, to sever, to separate, gleams when you turn it over in your hand.

Behind you, you can hear Vanessa humming to herself again as she measures and marks a few boards in front of her. She's so animated. So vibrant. So alive. It almost seems like a crime against all of humanity to snuff such a bright light.

"Em? The saw?" She calls out to you, reminding you that you're here for a reason. You sputter out a "Yeah" in response and start towards her.

She resumes her humming as she double checks her measurements, her right hand stretched back toward you, waiting for the saw. You grip the handle as tight as you possibly can, your knuckles going white around the stained hardwood handle. Once you reach her, you grab and wrap her golden hair in your fist and yank back to better expose her neck, startling her.

"Meg? What are you-?" she begins to ask, only to be cut off when you press the teeth of the saw into the left side of her throat and yank it across and to the right, turning her into a grotesque human fountain as her escaping blood sprays from her in sync with the beat of her heart. Her hands instinctively fly up to her neck in an attempt to stop the blood loss as she drops onto her back, spurting a fair amount of her blood onto your pants legs before you step over her and tuck the saw under one arm, staining a portion of your shirt red as you pull Vanessa's hands away and put them out to her sides, kneeling on her arms to keep her down. Staring down into her eyes, you watch as she coughs and sputters up the blood that makes its way into her newly opened esophagus.

It'd be enough to just watch her fade as she is right now, but you aren't quite finished with her yet. No, you aren't quite satisfied. You take the saw back into your hand and fit the teeth back into the wound, causing Vanessa to let out a wet, blood-choked sound of protest before you shove the blade across and to one side, revelling in the sound of flesh tearing as you push your way through her throat.

She struggles against your knees as you continue to saw downward through her neck, eyes wide and filled with tears of pain and terror as more and more blood drains from her. About halfway through, she lets out a final, loud gurgle that’s accompanied by a small splash of blood from her mouth as you finally separate her esophagus and trachea in two, her eyes rolling back slightly as her struggling stops.

Even though she’s stopped, you don’t. You still push forward and down, the blood still flowing out of her just as quickly as ever. Finally, with a final push, you reach her spinal column and feel the teeth of the saw catch. Groaning, you pull the blade back up and try to saw down again, feeling a portion of the bone give way. A few more solid shoves of the blade is all it takes to finish decapitating her, allowing you to pick Vanessa’s newly-severed head up by the hair.

Her head, which weighs a little less than you expected it to, drips a few stray drops of blood onto you as you move your free hand up to cradle the torn stump of a neck attached to it. Gently, you brush Vanessa’s hair from her empty, dull eyes and take a moment to look into them. The wonder and joy that once lived within them is now gone, taken from her by your saw. Smiling, you walk over to the garbage cans near the door and drop your best friend’s head into it, throwing the saw in after it.

You're free. Nothing stands in your way, which means that all that's left is to get home. You walk back into the kitchen, leaving the garage door open behind you, and head through the entry hallway and out the front door.

Go home.

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