Blackmail/Psychiatrist/"Uh... Cara stopped by..." you say

From Create Your Own Story

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"Uh... Cara stopped by..." you start. "She... uh... seemed to think that things were odd...."

Dr. Milton frowns for a moment. "I see... and just what did she think was odd?"

"She... uh... well she said she was attracted to all women and uh... wanted to kiss me..." you respond.

Dr. Milton smirks, "Oh is that all... well at her age, certain feelings begin to develop." he responds. "She's simply starting to discover her sexuality, that's all."

"Oh... ok... " you say, not entirely convinced. You want to believe him, but something just feels off.

"Don't worry... I'll have a nice long talk with her on Tuesday. And I will see you again Thursday. Ok Tiffany?" he asks.

How do you respond?

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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