Write back "Busy, I'll be there in three hours"

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:34, 29 January 2014 by Wassersaeufer (Talk | contribs)

You can't go now, you have just started a new round of BF4 and you have a good flow at the moment. Giving that up now would be idiotic. So you write back that you'll be there in a few hours, you are busy right now. And anyway, whatever they could do with Miranda they have done already, so it will make no difference for her if you let her stay over a little longer. At least, that you tell yourself.

When you arrive at Chad's house in the early evening and while you wonder how Miranda will be after this experience, it's too late to turn back now. To your wonder there are several cars parked outside Chad's house and loud music is coming from the inside. It seems there is a party in full swing.

You knock on the door and it takes some time before it is opened, though not by Chad but by...

You are:
Josh, age 15
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