...Give him a little relief.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:57, 29 December 2013 by Saffie lew (Talk | contribs)

You lean back against the wall behind you for support as you feel your pleasure building. The youth's face is pink, lips swollen and abused. He fights for every breath past the mass of your cock in his throat but doesn't try to back away.

You slide a foot between his knees, spread wide to support him as he leans into you crotch, and press your sole against the bulge of his groin. Teeth graze your member as the boy's control slips, you jerk into his mouth involuntarily. He pushes upwards into the pressure of your shoe and groans loudly enough that you can feel it in your balls.

The youth thrusts twice more against your weight and then unexpectedly grabs hold of your foot, pushing it down onto his cock.

A shock of lust rushes through you and you can't hold back any more, shooting down the boy's throat in long thick ribbons.

You let the boy lick your cock clean before pulling back. He looks dazed.

...You drop sixpence into his waiting hands and head out of the alley.

...You check your pocket watch, perhaps there's time enough for another round.

[[...You move to pay him but he shakes his head. "No thanks, mate. Payment in kind is accepted. I'll see you again, yeah?" You nod your agreement and head on your way.]]

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