Family Ties/Teach your daughter how to give her first blowjob

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You reach out and grab his cock authoritatively. He shudders in surprise and tenses up as you squeeze and pull on his dick but he gradually relaxes as you pump his member. Despite how incredibly hard he is, his skin is so supple and soft under your touch.

It only takes a few long strokes before inspiration strikes. You glance from your son to your daughter with a lustful smile.

"Here's a thought... You two should share your very first blowjob together!"

Jacob's eyes light up with excitement. Jessie's face displays more uncertainty than excitement.

"I... I don't know how," she admits, almost shamefully.

"That's okay sweetie. Mommy will teach you!"

You slide away from the table and onto the floor, lowering yourself to your knees and resting your ass on your feet. Positioned directly between Jessie and Jacob, the three of you sway occasionally with the movement of the RV. In your transition to the floor you never once stopped stroking Jacob.

"This is how you start, Jess. You move your hand up and down the boy's penis until it's hard, just like your brother already is," you add with a smile. "Then comes the 'blow' part, although despite it being called that you're actually supposed to suck on it. Think of your brother as a big fleshy lollipop!"

You take your son's head into your mouth gently, demonstrating for your daughter. Jessie giggles and squirms at the sight, her hands cupping her crotch. Your tongue hits the tip of Jacob's dick, immediately sampling a drop of his precum. He tastes so much better than your husband; milder and sweeter. You instantly crave more of him. Sliding your lips further down the length of his shaft, Jacob moans, further encouraging your already eager motions. You strangle his shaft with your fist and pull his foreskin as far down his member as it will go. His head fully exposed in your mouth you wrap your tongue around it, discovering and traversing the ridge of his head and coaxing even more precum from its opening.

Jacob gasps and places a hand on top of your head, trying to support himself as you relish your first taste of your son.

After a few moments you regain some restraint and pry your lips off of him, still strangling him with one hand at the base of his cock.

"See Jess? It's easy! All you have to do is this..." You bob your head up and down the end of his dick a few times to demonstrate further.

"Let me try!" demands Jessie.

You pull back and smack your lips together with a grin. Jess also drops to her knees and positions herself in front of you facing Jacob. You're still holding back her brother's foreskin as little Jessie gingerly places one hand halfway down his shaft and presses her lips against its tip. She sucks gently and cautiously, drawing his head into her mouth. Jacob sighs euphorically as two different hands and a pair of lips handle his throbbing penis; this is the sort of thing most teenage boys can only dream about.

As the head of Jacob's cock disappears into Jessie's mouth it doesn't seem like she can take in much more of him. But your youngest daughter surprises you when she bobs her way down his shaft, touching her lips to her fingers. Jacob groans and shudders. You bite your lip. But she pulls away after only a few seconds.

"Am I doing it right?"

You look up at Jacob with a naughty grin. "I dunno... How's your sister doing?"

Jacob can only mutter. "Great! She's... amazing."

Jess smiles proudly before you gesture for her to continue. She picks up right where she left off, bobbing her mouth over her brother's cock. She adds her other hand to the first for a better grip but they remain stationary. Guiding her along, you close your fingers over her hands, moving them up and down repeatedly. Your reminder is well received and soon she's pumping and sucking all on her own.

Watching this is turning you on to no end. But you don't dare touch yourself yet. You're almost afraid of cumming, afraid of waking up from this amazing experience. Instead you press your bared chest against Jessie's back then casually unbutton Jess's shorts and slip your fingers inside. As soon as your finger tips rest against her virgin cunny you reach out and cup Jacob's scrotum. You massage and fondle Jacob's balls, helping to build his orgasm. You part Jessie's hairless lips and rub up and down against her inner folds as if they were your own. You work to increase both of their moans and quicken their breathing. You want them both panting and as desperate for release as you are.

Jacob's balls begin to tighten under your grip. He's close.

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