Awaken enveloped by a silky, soft feeling

From Create Your Own Story

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You wake up at noon in a small fluffy bed feeling relaxed. You and also now wearing a silky white dress that drops to your feet. Once you get up you see the prince sitting by your bed.

"Good morning little flower," he said, "Last night, I sent a message to your parents about what happened. The messenger returned an hour ago, and your parents are very happy that you've been found. They want to see you soon."

"Really?" you say.

"Yes," the prince replies, "We'll be taking you back immediately. That means you'll get to see your parents soon. Come now, let's go."

You are overwhelmed with joy for being able to finally go home. As the prince brings you to the horses you are given a smaller white pony to ride. Soon you are riding with the prince and a few escorts back to your home.

Once you get to the palace gates your parents rush out to greet you and the young prince. Your mother hugs you and your father starts to thank the prince.

"You don't have to thank me for returning your daughter," the prince stated, "I am merely glad that she is okay."

You finish hugging your mom and go up to the prince.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't get to be here ever again," you said, "Thank you!"

With that you kiss the young prince on the cheek and he begins to blush profusely. You and the prince become best friends and eventually the two of you marry and live happily ever after.

The End

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