The Royal Guard/Chapter One/4

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< The Royal Guard
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You approach the throne respectfully, your weapon lowered. As your reach the base of the pedastal upon which the king and queen sit, you kneel.

Yet the royal family seem to be paying you very little attention. The king waves a hand at you, telling you to stand, but his gaze is fixed upon the elderly man talking animatedly beside you.

"My leige, you cannot trust these elves; they wish only to see your downfall," he is saying, and you recognise him as Gert Ilaos. The man is advisor to the royal family, and has been for as long as you can remember.

"Stop," the king commands, and Gert quietens immediately. The king turns to you and smiles. "Arise, guardsman. Do you know why I have summoned you?"

You shake your head.

"Good," the king says. "Then the secret is not out." He sighs, then leans forward. "The Sea Elves have brought information that suggests my daughter, Princess Jessica, is in danger. Though the elves may seldom be trustworthy allies they have no reason to lie to me, and their information is rarely inaccurate. I must believe them, and I must do something about the threat to my daughter and heir. Your future queen. I have heard of your exploits, guardsman, and I wish for you to lead the troop that will escort her to safety on one of our country estates where she cannot be found."

Gert splutters, drawing the king's attention. He speaks at once. "My lord, you cannot be serious! This is exactly what the pointy-eared villains want! They wish for you to part with your daughter, and in doing so leave her unprotected so that she may be kidnapped. They will use her life as a bargaining chip to take back the land we won rightfully from them centuries ago."

"Enough, Gert," the king says dismissively. "I am aware of your reticence to attend to this plan, but I am king, not you."

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