Pokemon: Real Life

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:39, 7 February 2013 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

Ok so basically, this would be like if our world had Pokemon. It really doesn't make much of a difference except for the fact that towns are actual towns and cities.

This character does not hae a determined gender, age ect. It is whoever is reading it. The character is you. You can add more countries if you want. Please help me write the story. This could become a really cool story.

This story is a bit more realistic. You don't walk everywhere. You take taxis, buses, cars, planes etc. In a Pokemon battle you don't fight till they, "faint." You fight until one trainer surrenders. A good trainer knows when to surrender. It is not shameful. It shows you care about your Pokemon more than you care about winning. Some trainers do not abide very well by these rules.

You cannot switch out if your Pokemon is in a dangerous situation, such as being pinned down.

You live in:

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