Pump the jogger until you both collapse

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:52, 7 April 2007 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You hump her and pump her and inhale the sweaty scent of her wiggly socked toes. Her spasming pussy squirts your mixed juices around your pumping dick. You slam her ass against the ground and lift her up and slam her down again, over and over until she finally screams and shakes violently beneath you.

"Ho-lee fuck!" she screams.

Your cock sprays so much cum into her that it feels like your entire body is draining in her hungry snatch. You collapse on top of her, twitching sligthtly, with her toes gripping your nose.

You lay there a long while, barely conscious.

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The Park

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