LoK Volunteer to put together a power point presentation, convincing the General to stay on as their client?
From Create Your Own Story
"I know,General," Krystal said in her most sales-oriented tone, "why don't we review all of Team Star Fox' military successes in recent years? I think that, once you've seen what the team can accomplish with the technology at hand, you'll be suitably impressed with what we'd be able to provide you with steady funding, or even partial funding. I'll need to review things with Fox before we draft anything concrete, but I'm sure that we can come up with something mutually beneficial."
Krystal grinned uncharacteristically enthusiastically- there was little she enjoyed more than math and problem-solving. She didn't often show that skill set off, but she had a good head for numbers. She might have been an accountant on her home planet, were it not for that whole blowing-up thing.
As if he were a telepath himself, the General spoke in a slow drawl, " Y'know, I had a secretary once... in my youth of course, back when I was a colonel. She was Cerinian." He paused, letting that statement hang for a moment. "Long blue hair, much like yours. Longer, of course, but the same shade." He paused again, and his eyes took in her whole body, from her toes to the tips of her ears.
"Her name was Cecilia." He moved am step closer to her. "Nice girl. Great sense of humor." He looked directly into Krystal's eyes. "I remember how, on some late nights, we would stay at the office late together. I would think about her while we worked." Krystal wasn't sure she liked where this was going.
The General continued talking, and stood right against her, his hands on Krystal's shoulders. "She knew, of course. Hard to keep secrets from a telepath."
Krystal fought to keep her voice steady. She didn't have to be a telepath to know where this was headed.