Ask the daddy to wait until you can be alone.

From Create Your Own Story

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Your voice shakes as you ask, but the daddy bear smiles just a little. He nods, and pushes back from you, giving you room. You look past him and see the stranger watching you both is a burly bear with a thick black beard. Blushing, you look down and see your shirt is under the daddy bear's boot.

"You won't need that," the daddy bear says, grabbing his own shirt from over the stall door. "Come on." He reaches down and cups your cock through your jeans, squeezing your hard dick in one rough hand. You moan, and he laughs, moving his hand to your bare shoulder and marching you out of the bathroom. Instead of heading to the front of the bar, though, he turns and pushes the rear exit door open. You find yourself in a small, tight alley behind the bar, where two large garbage dumpsters are set, and the scent isn’t the greatest. The light from the street isn’t doing much here, but it’s a little brighter than the dimmed bar.

The daddy bear grabs you and pushes you against the brick wall of the pub, then leans in against you, kissing you and filling your mouth with his tongue. Your hands slide up his hairy arms and grip them, feeling the strength there. He breaks off the kiss.

"Yeah, trash like you belongs in the alley, eh, dirty boy?" You shiver at the way he's talking to you. "Making daddy wait," he shakes his head, and one hand takes your nipple and pinches. You yelp.

He frowns.

"You're a screamer, eh? Then again, I ain't never met a cunt boy who wasn't." The daddy pulls back and takes your shoulders, turning you around until you face the brick wall. He presses up against you. His dick feels hard against the small of your back. He reaches his other hand around you and rubs his rough hand against your chest again, pinching a nipple harder than before. Your yelp is louder.

"Just a fucking cunt, aren't you, dirty boy? Nothing more than a hole for daddy to blow his wad?" He twists your nipple.

"Yes!" you gasp. You had no idea having a man talk to you like this would be so hot.

He chuckles. "Making daddy wait, that's a punishable offense, boy. But you're pretty fucking loud, ain'tcha?"

You feel the big man shift behind you as he fusses with something. A moment later his voice growls, "Bite down on this, boy," and a cloth is pressed to your mouth. You bite on it, then wince. It smells terrible. You're about to complain when his hand presses the cloth against your mouth, and you breath deeply, surprised. The scent goes right through you, and you feel your knees go weak, and you stagger a bit.

"Dirty cunt boy. Shouldn't have made daddy wait."

You feel your eyes roll back, and then there's nothing.

You come to sometime later, but when you open your eyes, you can't see. You realize you're blindfolded, and try to cry out, but your mouth is full of something rubber. Your hands are tied behind your back, and you're naked, leaning over some sort of padded surface. Your head spins, and your dick is rock hard... there's a metallic taste in your mouth, and you wonder where you are. You try to stand up, but your legs are braced far apart, and something has them tied that way. You make a muffled noise into the rubber gag, afraid.

Your eyes widen when you hear a digital "click" noise, not that you can see anything. You twist your head as the clicks continue, and hear a low voice chuckle. Someone - you assume the daddy - moves around you. You hear the “click” sound a few more times, and then you hear him typing on the phone. You make inarticulate noises into the gag. "Welcome back, dirty boy," he growls at you. A moment later, you hear him put whatever device it was down.

"All right," the daddy bear says. "Now where we before the selfish cunt boy decided to take a nap?"

The sudden touch of his bearded mouth between your ass cheeks makes you flinch, but when his tongue starts to lick and dive into your pucker, you can't help but moan. He'd said you'd be punished for making him wait, and now he seems to be ready to collect on his promise. The daddy bear's tongue is talented, and soon you're pushing back against him, making little grunting noises. He laughs, pulling back, and then spits into your hole a few times. One rough finger starts to push his spit in, slicking you up. You moan at the feel of his finger inside you, ass twitching around his touch, and your head foggy from whatever it was he used to knock you out. You hear him undo his belt, and unzip.

"Gonna fuck you, boy," he growls. "Gonna ream you till you split. But first, got a booty bump for my dirty boy."

A second later his hand slaps your ass, hard. You yelp into the gag, and the daddy laughs. "Get it nice and hot for daddy's dick," he growls, and slaps your ass again. You writhe, the sting of the slap echoing with a heat that blooms across your ass cheeks. He kneels behind you, and presses into your ass with his mouth, making you squirm against him, then stops again.

"Booty bump boy the boy," he repeats, fingering your hole. You shake. You've heard the term before - he's pushing some sort of drug into your ass, you realize. There's a heat spreading from his finger, and you shiver - then out of nowhere, three more rough slaps of the man's rough hand crack against your skin. The alternating pain with the roughness of his beard and the heat and slick feeling of his tongue and fingers makes you crazy, and you're soon groaning and breathing hard into the gag. Finally, with a chuckle, he presses his body across your ass – you feel the weight of his hot hard dick against the small of your back.

"Gonna fuck you so hard," he says. "And you want it, don't you, dirty boy? You were begging for daddy to punish you, weren't you?"

Your head spins, and you're so hard. You moan and writhe.

He rubs his cock up and down between your ass cheeks, and grips and tugs your waist until you rise up on your toes – an awkward position with your legs spread so far apart and tied to whatever it is he has you bent over. Then he grips your waist tighter, lines up his dick at your hole, and shoves in with nothing but the spit for lube.

He's thick, and his rough entry makes you cry out a little into the rubber gag, your spanked ass absolutely red with heat. He grunts, pushing himself in deeper, and you gasp in a breath. He chuckles, and you can feel his dick vibrate with his laughter. He leans over you, pushing his dick in further.

"We’re in Daddy's storage rental bins, boy," he says. "Be as loud as you can, if you want. Gag's just my way of making sure you don't say "no" to anything I want. Ain’t nobody to hear you."

You shiver.

Then he starts to fuck you with ruthless thrusts from the get-go. You grunt and moan and cry out but the sounds are muffled into the gag, and you wouldn't want him to stop anyway. Whatever he's drugged you with has you beyond horny, and the sensation of his cock beating your ass inside is incredible, and his rough grip and gravelly voice make you feel more submissive and boyish than you've ever felt in your life. Helpless in the hands of this daddy bear, you push back onto his cock until your legs grow weak and you collapse onto the padded surface, your hard dick rubbing into the padding. You’ve never felt like this – tied up, gagged, getting thoroughly fucked by his cock. Your ass is on fire, cheeks scorched by his hands, and your inside aches as his dick rams home again and again.

"Yeah, take daddy's dick, boy..." he growls as he fucks you. "You like daddy fucking your ass, don't you boy?"

You make a noise into the gag, and nod furiously. Your hair is wet with sweat, and you can feel drops of the man's sweat hitting your back.

"You want it meaner, don't you boy?"

You make a desperate noise, not even sure what you think. He laughs, and fucks you all the harder, squeezing your waist so tight you know there'll be bruises. Without warning, he pulls out, and you grunt in surprise and pain. His hand slaps your ass again.

"Just the start, boy," he says. "You're gonna take cock all fucking night! You want cock in you deep, don't you boy?"

You nod your head rapidly, and make a noise that's nearly a yell, and he laughs, pushing his dick back into you and thrusting a few dozen more times with rougher and rougher thrusts. He batters your ass for what feels like an hour, tilting slightly to the left or right now and then to make his dick rub different parts of your sore and burning hole. You’re covered in sweat, and you can smell his musk in the air of the small room. Finally, with a loud grunt, he shoves in deep and comes, spilling his spunk deep in your hole. You arch your back, your own cock so hard and aching for release, and feel his load fill your insides with wet heat.

He pulls out, panting, and lets go of your waist. He pushes two fingers into your ass, getting them slick with his load, and then uses his other hand to tug the gag away from your mouth just long enough to make you lick his fingers clean. Then the gag goes back on.

You hear a car on gravel. Your eyes go wide in the blindfold, and you try to turn your head, but balanced and tied up, you can’t do anything. The daddy laughs, and gives your ass a playful slap.

"Don't worry, boy," he says. "I invited them. I told you we'd be alone. But I didn't say for how long."

You hear car doors slam. You yell a little, and he laughs.

You hear multiple footsteps in the gravel, and then a new voice. “Well shit, look at that." You shiver, your ass in the air, sticky with cum, completely helpless - and still incredibly horny.

"Yeah," the daddy bear calls. "I got cheap takeout."

Multiple men laugh.

You moan piteously.

"Well shit," the daddy bear says, slapping your ass. "You guys hear that? Boy just begged for someone to fuck his ass raw. That's what you're saying, right boy?"

You moan louder.

Another voice speaks up. "I can help with that. I like sloppy seconds."

They fuck you all night, though you never quite figure out how many of them there are - taking turns until you’re barely able to stay awake. After what must be hours, the daddy's voice tells everyone that he thinks you're done, and his rough hands finally take your rock hard dick in hand. He barely jerks you before your load explodes from your cock and you slump against the surface. Just as you black out, you hear the men laugh, and the daddy say he knows just the place to leave you for someone to find you.

(The End - please send feedback to

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