Arturia/Heavy Dress

From Create Your Own Story

< Arturia
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Your Mother left you a heavy dress embroidered with gold and silver to appear before your new lord as the royal princess you are. You don't like it at all. It impairs any kind of fast movement and looks like it'll choke the life out of you by the end of the day.

Even so, your family and country are counting on you to be a good woman and princess. You feel you can't let them down and decide you should oblige her. It's not like you have any idea what a woman should be wearing for this kind of event, so you sigh and call in the maids to put the overdesigned potato bag on you. They seem real giddy about dressing you until you give them a cold stare voicing your obvious displeasure. They quickly finish dressing you and run off. You can't blame them since even a veteran warrior gets weak in the knees when you get angry. You slip a small dagger in the folds of your dress. It makes you feel at least a little better to know you aren't completely defenseless.

When you leave your room, everyone's gaze turns on you. You stare right back at them and they quickly look away. You catch some of them throwing you sideward glances and murmuring below their breath.

You are starting to get really annoyed when you are approached by one of the servants. You recognize him as Willem. You've seen him taking care of your horse before. He seems to have been waiting for you to leave your room but was startled by your death glare.

"M-milady, Your escort party is ready and waiting for you to join them downstairs," he manages to stammer out while slowly backing away from you.

You nod and go down the stairs. You can see your carriage waiting there, surrounded by about 60 people. They look like kidnappers who want to drag you off to some stuck-up noble, in your eyes.

You really don't feel like being put on display in these clothes, but on the other hand you feel you shouldn't do things halfway if you're going to be sacrificing yourself for your country.

What do you do?

There's noone you really feel obliged to part with

You go to where the crowd is waiting to say their goodbyes to you

Health 100 Equipment:

Heavy Dress, small dagger

Stamina 100
Mood Pissed Inventory:


Purse 50, 00, 00
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