D&D: Accept the challenge

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:44, 22 February 2012 by Striklikl (Talk | contribs)

You stand and accept the challenge. Bets are made, the audience seems to look favorably to the human before you. You take out your sword, and he raises his axe. Stepping in a circular motion around the ring facing one another, your steps draw closer, tensity building as the crowd urges the fight to begin.

The man takes his axe and makes the first move, sweeping it over your head as you duck beneath it, spinning your blade over it, slamming down on it's head and unbalancing the giant in a forward stumble, carrying the rebound of your blade from the axe to raise your weapon for a strike over his shoulder. Cutting down through the fabric and into his skin, you slide the blade through flesh and step away from a backhanded fist.

Undaunted by your counterattack, he quickly plants his foot down, steadying himself with his weapon hand and getting ready to charge, all too open for a fatal strike, but if you step back you will find yourself out of the ring. Seeing as his arms already block both sides, there is little you can do but strike, wrestle, or forfeit.

D&D: Raise your blade to strike, possibly killing him

D&D: Stand your ground and try to withstand the tackle

D&D: Step out of the ring, letting him hit the floor but losing the match

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