Arturia/Heavy Dress/2/Ruairi/put blade under pillow

From Create Your Own Story

< Arturia | Heavy Dress | 2 | Ruairi
Revision as of 11:07, 14 February 2012 by Zoroastra (Talk | contribs)

The next morning, you wake up slowly. You snuggle into the pillow with your eyes closed, and revel in the feel of clean sheets and a soft mattress. It's nice to have a day where you don't have to get up for sword practice. The sheets smell like lavender, which lets you know that you aren't in your room. You turn over and-
-tense involuntarily. Who the HELL is in bed with you!?
You open your eyes and stare at the person you had bumped into. It's a man. You're heart starts beating in overdrive. 'Have I seen him before?' you think, 'Last night, did we...?' You blush. 'No, no, I would have remembered something like that.'

To your relief, both of you are still dressed: you in your nightgown, and he in a loose white shirt and brown trousers. You stare at him, trying to figure out if you've met. He has pale skin, long red hair, and a light dusting of freckles across his nose. You also can't help but notice, although he is still sleeping quietly, he is... that is to say, happy to be here, by the bulge in his trousers. You quickly look away, blushing even harder.
What do you do next?

Scream for Duran who is in the next room
Try to get out of bed without waking him
Wake him up and demand to know who he is, with the dagger at his throat

Health 100 Equipment:

Nightgown, Beautiful necklace, artful dagger

Stamina 85
Mood Curious Inventory:

Valuable jewelry

Purse 1050, 00, 00
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