Arturia/Heavy Dress/2/Ruairi/scream for Duran

From Create Your Own Story

< Arturia | Heavy Dress | 2 | Ruairi
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"DURAN!" you yell. "COME HERE!"
The red-haired man jerks upright, clutching wildly at the blankets. "Wha-?!"
"Stay there," you order him. "DURAN!" you yell again.
"Arturia, relax," the man says, touching your shoulder "There's no need to call your guard."
You move away from his touch, frowning. "How do you-?"
You hear footsteps from the hall, and Duran bursts into the room with his bared greatsword. His eyes land on the man in bed with you and grow fiery. "You!" he snarls, "So this is where yer hiding! What did you do to Her Highness?"
The stranger shrugs.
Duran's eyes narrow. He shifts his stance. "Wait a minute!" you say, before Duran can move in to injure anyone.
Duran stills.
"Have we met?" you ask, turning to the stranger.
He smiles lazily. "We haven't," he says. "Although I have heard of you, my dear."
You stiffen, surprised by the sudden endearment. Duran grinds his teeth loudly. "Get out. You don't have the right!" he growls. Any member of the guard would have been trembling and apologizing profusely at that tone.
But the man doesn't seem fazed at all. His posture is relaxed and even his voice is calm. "Why should I? You seem to be the intruder here. I have every right to be in my wife's room."

Ask Lord Ruairi to leave the room while you speak with Duran
Ask Duran to leave the room while you speak with Lord Ruairi

Health 100 Equipment:

Nightgown, Hidden Blade

Stamina 100
Mood Startled Inventory:

Valuable jewelry, artful dagger

Purse 750, 00, 00
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