Pokemon: end the battle gracesfully

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:45, 18 December 2011 by Bluelightning108 (Talk | contribs)

You tell Boltie to back away, and let Squirtle emerge.

You nod at Boltie. Wait, you mouth.You've been practicing a...special Thundershock.

"Squirtle" says Clarissa, trying to get back on top of things, "use water gun!" Boltie dodges it with such grace that Clarissa looses some points. "again" she says. "over and over Pichu manages to dodge the water gun. than you realize shes learning quick attack. A white stream is behind her whle she runs. "now!" you say, form boltie tuny stub of a tail, out comes ripple sof blue and purple electricity, swirling in the air adn interlocking with itself, before slamming into Squirtle, and shocking it until it faints!

You get a huge applause, and Boltie seems pretty happy. you shake hands with Clarissa. You realize Bolt didn't get hit at all, and Clarissa's point meter was down at zero the same time Squirtle fainted... There was 18 seconds left though... You earn the Viridian ribbon and 98 bucks!

You decide to call that special electric attacks, "wave lightning" and froget grol so Boltie can focus on it more. After the contest, you get some lunch (which cost's you some money). You also pack up some food for the road then you...


Pichu: (female) Hp: 31 Att: 16 Def: 16 Sp Att: 22 Spd: 22 |Health=100%|Level 13} Special Attacks: Thundershock, Tail Whip, Wave Lightning, Charm

Pidgey: (female) Hp: 17 Att: 11 Def: 10 Sp Att: Spd: 13 |Health=100%|Level 7} Special Attacks: Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack

Rattata: (male) Hp: 14 Att: 10 Def: 7 Sp Att: 5 Spd: 10 |Health=100%|Level 5} Special Attacks: Tail Whip

Pokeballs: 6 Potions: 6 Oran Berries: 12 Sitris Berries: 6 Pecha berries: 6 Cheri berries: 1 Rawst berries: 1

Money: $553.49

Ribbons: 1, Viridian

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