Try to tend to Captain Highmore

From Create Your Own Story

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You kneel down next to Captain Highmore and try to stop the bleeding from the gunshot wound. As you are ripping up your coat to make a bandage, you realize that the pirates are casting off and heading out to sea. Captain Whitlock is standing over you.

“Miss Beech is it? We didn’t even have to kidnap you. Lock her in the study, and throw her friend overboard.”

“No!” you cry. “Please don’t! Just let me tend to him and I won’t make a fuss, I promise.”

“He’ll probably just bleed out anyways,” Captain Whitlock says dismissively. “Boys, throw them both in the study!”

Later, under your gentle care, Captain Highmore begins to come to. “Oh Captain, thank goodness you’re all right!” you exclaim. “We need to get out of here.”

“And by now, the Royal Navy should be close behind. We only need to slow The Rising Sun down enough for them to catch up,” he says once you’ve explained what happened.

Later in the evening, you escape through the window, and, even though it’s dark, you manage to climb onto the ships’ deck. Then, you grab one of the lamps on the deck and throw it at the sails, catching them on fire! You’ve effectively stopped The Rising Sun and made it easy for the Royal Navy to find you! Then, you climb back into the study, and no one realizes you were behind all the chaos on deck.

Almost minutes later, you can see HMS Victory approaching through the window.

“Oh Captain Highmore, we’re saved!” you exclaim. “The pirates can’t go anywhere and the Royal Navy is so close!”

The sailors of the Royal Navy board the boat and fight the pirates, then, the fighting suddenly stops. You hear someone coming toward the study. The door opens and it’s an officer of the Royal Navy!

“Now I just need to get you home safe before anything else happens,” Captain Highmore says. You laugh and the Royal Navy takes you, Captain Highmore, and The Rising Sun back to the city.

And thus, your adventure ends, and you no longer want any dealings with pirates! As for dashing Captains in the Royal Navy… well, that’s a different story.

The end.

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