Kiss Jade on the lips passionately

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:55, 23 November 2011 by Saxel (Talk | contribs)
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As Jades eyes you, waiting for your next move, you quickly reach down and kiss him square on the lips. Although somewhat slow, he responds in kind, and both of you are soon exploring one another's mouths, lips, and tongues.

After several slow seconds of kissing, you pull away, and giggle slightly as you watch droll slide down the side of his now-red cheeks. Still feeling like dominating him, you descend again, this time onto his neck to kiss and bite it. He cringes slightly as your teeth grab on his neck and pull, but maintains silent as you start working down.

At some point, you reach the white top and are forced to stop momentarily. However, you quickly grab the shirt and strip it off him. After throwing it to the side, you return to playing with Jade.

You come across your friend's now-stuff nipples and release another pleasant giggle. As you begin to lick and bite it, Jade's breathing start to quicken and strengthen. You think he might cum soon, and not into you, so you stop playing with his nipples and work your way down to his crotch.

Your hands quickly unbutton the skirt and drag it down, leaving only the white panties between you and Emily's long-coveted prize. Of course, they're little obstacle, and Brandon's six-and-a-half-inch erection forces it's way out within moments.

Unable to resist, you smile widely as you slip the panties out of the way and warp your lips around Brandon's member. The moment your warm lips touch him, he lets out a load, pleasured, moan. He only grow louder and more broken as you begin to go faster and faster.

Soon, however, your lips and touch becomes too much for the young boy and you brace yourself as you feel it pulsating within your mouth. A second later, you're fighting to control his seeds as they jet out of his penis.

You withdraw, his cum still in your mouth, to decide what to do next.


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8th Grade Emo Girl
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