Review: Quest of the magician

From Create Your Own Story

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Title: Quest of the magician

Author: Jeetajoo

Pages: 200

Preview: Knowing that tentacled monsters move very fast, and that the monster was moving towards town, that your valkyrie-girlfriend lives in town, and that tentacled monsters like doing...things... with scantily-clad young maidens, you use a simple time-stop spell and rush upstairs to your room, where you see The Little Big Book of Spells and your old-but-sharp dagger resting on your bedside table. You stuff the spellbook into your secretive mage-style tunic, and wield the dagger. The timestop timer runs out, and your clock starts ticking again. Time's a wastin'!

Review: Take out your wands and cast your spells, because Quest of the magician is getting reviewed! You kick start your story like almost all of the other stories on the site, by waking up. You are then thrown into a world in which a monster is attacking your town and you will have to save your loved ones before it's too late! While this sounds exceedingly exciting, this epic battle never gets finished, I really enjoyed the magic battle against the tentacle monster which had me trying to save my girlfriend. I just wished that it could be finished! Another obvious complaint, like most other stories, is the amount of text on the page. Which is miniscule. Occaisionally you might find a page that's more than say three to four sentences, but that's fairly rare, based on what I have played through.

Grammar and spelling have been exceptional throughout this adventure. How hard can it be, each page is barely two lines long.

The range of choices in which you can make in during certain times in the story is very large. Sadly, this is undone with the fact that at least almost all of them lead into you dying in some ridiculous way.

All in all, this is a solid and enthralling Quest, not to say without its major flaws and setbacks, it has a wonderful premise, and holds in my opinion, interesting battles. I just wish that it could be finished. Hopefully someone will come by and take charge to finish this great story.


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