Star Wars: Your Slave, Leia

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:58, 22 October 2011 by TheVagabond (Talk | contribs)

Disclaimer: After seeing many of the stories on here, I've decided to use my skill to make a CYOA erotic story that many can enjoy, from either side of the gender line. This story is extremely explicit, depending on choices can contain extreme sadistic violence, illegal acts, and sexual acts that many may consider "sick" or "extreme," including but not limited to knifeplay (with blood), toilet fetish (all three types), descriptive abusive behavior. I'm literally using my writing skill to go as far as you want to down the dark and depraved storyline of a warlord. By clicking on any options for continuing, you are agreeing to not moan at me that I'm a sick and twisted person :P

Editing note: The base story is written by TheVagabond, and is meant to be enjoyed as it is. If you want to add pages, please use the page tag SWYSL/sex/background (War/Crime/Sith) so that it's easy to keep track, thanks :D

Premise: In this interactive adventure, you take the place of Jabba the Hutt, except you don't play as Jabba. You are you, a human, thrust into the story at a critical point. You have the full run of the Palace, and multiple options within each room to enjoy Leia, or have others enjoy her for your pleasure. Also assume that all actions are consensual, even if Leia doesn't show it at first ;)

Author's note: For now, please don't add any adventures. This is an official WIP and will be completed over the next two to three months, as pieces are completed and uploaded. Thanks! ^_^ TheVagabond UPDATE: I have most of the situations written, including one of the endings. I would expect the full, final story to be uploaded and ready for listing by 2012, after Star Wars: The Old Republic releases.

Without further ado:


Your Slave, Leia

To set up a proper base storyline, please complete the quick background quiz, starting with your gender:

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