R: Continuously ask the voice random questions

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:34, 8 October 2011 by Heyoeveryone (Talk | contribs)
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"Umm hello?" You ask slowly, "Are you there?"

After a small pause, the voice replies back. "Yeah, why?"

"I'd just like to ask, how are you?"

"What?" The voice answers surprisingly, "Can you repeat the question. I thought I heard you say, 'How are you?'."

"That was my question, don't worry, you heard right."

The voice remains quiet for a few moments, but he finally answers the question. "I'm uhh, doing quite well actually. I mean, I did kidnap you and two other people, and now I'm slowly making you all die, so how am I? Pretty good."

"Hmm, yes, that's interesting." You say in a bored voice, "So what's your favourite color?"

"What? Oh uhh, it's white. Though I don't think that's really a color."

"Favourite food?"

"Fish and chips."


"Ducks. Quack."

"Any hobbies?"

"I occasionally toy around with computers and-" He stops for a second, then continues, "Wait, are you trying to learn about me and use it against me? Or are you really bored?"

"Actually, a bit of both." You chuckle.

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