Keep walking...

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:19, 15 July 2011 by Idkname (Talk | contribs)
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<<Just keep walking...

You wipe your mouth on your sleeve and look up. Wendy is standing in front of you. Was that a test? Did you fail?

She holds out her hand. You know if you take it it will just freeze your other hand, but if you don't, she might get angry...

Aggressive Ghosts: "The laughter".
Passive Ghosts: Wendy Ting.
Friendly Ghosts: None.
Senses: Touch: You can already feel your hand icing over... Sight: She's not smiling... Hearing: Why isn't she crying? Smell: Still yuck. Taste: Still double yuck. Kinesthetic: What does she want?
Items: None.
Location: Hallway - Floor
Temporary Handicaps: Your left hand is frozen stiff (21).

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