Check Heather’s room before heading to bed.

From Create Your Own Story

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You move down to the end of the hallway where you oldest daughter’s room is. It also happens to the one farther away for you and your husband’s room, something about needing space for a 16 year old girl. As you get closer it’s obvious she’s not alone since you can hear giggling from behind the door. One of them is definitely Heather’s, but you have to get right on top of the door to determine the other one is your youngest son Timmy’s. Making sure not to let the door creek you slowly push it open so you can into the room. Timmy is sitting on the corner of the bed, completely naked, stoking and impressive 6 inch hairless cock as he stares towards Heather’s closet, who at this point is out of sight.

A ping a jealousy courses thru your veins as you see your little boy stoking the object of your affections, to what you assume is Heather. Your assumption is confirmed when Heather steps into view in the matching bikini you had purchased for tomorrow’s family getaway. Both you and Jessie own an identical one. “So what do you think Timmy, does mom have great tastes or what?” Heather asks him as you notice Timmy’s hand has started moving a little faster making his sister giggle. “God, you really are a perv, I can’t believe I caught you again out side mom’s door.”

Timmy is quick defending himself, “I didn’t even know if she was in there, I was only going to tell her good night.” His tone of voice didn’t sound all that convincing and Heather was sure to point it out.

“You’re such a liar.., you were hoping for a show.” There is a brief pause. “So what do you think of the show your getting baby brother, is it as good as mom’s would have been?” She asks with a deep seductive tone to her voice as she gives her hips a hypnotic sway, causing her large tits to bounce invitingly. You can see Timmy’s is completely under her spell as he stares, mouth gaping at his 16 year old sister.

“I think you’re sexy as hell! I just hope the beach at the lake tomorrow is a topless one.” Timmy notes with a naughty small making Heather coo.

“Oh Timmy, if you wanted to see me topless..,” Heather begins as she reaches behind her back, giving the string holding her bikini top on a tug. “…all you had to was ask.” The teenaged slut says before unknotting the tie completely and allowing the flimsy wisp of cloth to fall to the ground. Heather starts to walk towards Timmy on the bed, her tanned D-cup tits now free for his perverted view. “Now are you just a peeping tom or are you more a hands on pervert?” She asks him standing right in front of him and leaning over his baby-smooth hairless frame, offering him her tits should he want them.

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