Girl Scout Camp/Touch Zoe's pussy

From Create Your Own Story

< Girl Scout Camp
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You slide your hands down the length of her body, finding the bottom edge of Zoe’s nightshirt. You put your hand on her thigh and slowly slide it in circles along. With each stroke, you move your hand higher, sliding it under her nightshirt to brush against her panties.

Zoe gasps as your hand touches her crotch and her legs part to give you more room to operate. You gently cup her entire pussy area with your hand, slowly massaging it with gently pressure. You feel Zoe’s hips sway slightly, trying to increase the pressure. You shift to having individual fingers slide over the fabric, tracing the outlines of her opening. When your fingers find her clit, Zoe lets out a gasp of pleasure.

You slide one of your hands down her body. When you reach her panties, you slide your hand underneath. Your fingers come across a thick bush of hair before reaching her moist pussy. Zoe gasps as your fingers reach the edge of her opening. The hand she was using before to pleasure herself now tries to guide your fingers on their quest.

You run loops around the edge of her opening, returning to rub her clit after each circle. Zoe whimpers with pleasure in your grasp. Her hand tries to guide yours and her hips move to maximize her pleasure. Your let your fingers move to the center of her pussy and you push one finger inside of her. Her vagina is very slick and feels hot to the touch. As you slide your finger in and out, you rest your thumb on her clit, giving it a nearly constant massage. Your other hand is still busy on Zoe’s breast, stroking her nipple at the same pace as her clit. Zoe’s hips buck at you, trying to increase the speed and her breath comes in gasps. You can feel moisture start to soak through the material.

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