Bring Stacie back to your place

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:27, 24 February 2011 by KayD69 (Talk | contribs)

You bring the voluptuous black girl to your dwelling and show her around quickly before heading for the kitchen. As you begin the food prep, Stacie comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your chest while she nuzzles your neck.

"This won't take long," you say. "What did you have in mind?"

"Whatever you want to make," Stacie purrs. One of her hands slides to your crotch, where she rubs your stiffening member through your pants. "I'm hungry."

"Don't worry," you giggle. "There will be plenty of time for dessert after dinner."


The moment you're finished consuming the product of your culinary skills, Stacie gets up from the table and starts dragging you in the direction of the bedroom. You break away long enough to get the dishes in the sink before you feel her scoop you up in her surprisingly strong arms.

"Time for dessert," Stacie says as she carries you into the bedroom and tosses you onto your bed. You quickly strip, as does she, and in moments Stacie is laying next to you with her tongue invading your mouth. When she breaks for air, you laugh. "Been a while?"

"Too long," Stacie purrs. "Nice guys who can see past my curves to the real me are hard to find." She reaches down and strokes your fully-erect rod. "And a hard man is good to find."

You run a hand to her slit. Her juices are already leaking out.

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