WIO/Josie/Extort driver

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You're not some cheap whore, but hey, you'll need money to get your car fixed, and if you're going to do this anyway... "Give me a hundred dollars and I'll do it." "A hundred bucks? I'm doing you a favor!" "I'm not touching your... thing without you paying up." "Fine, walk, see if i care." He leans over you and opens the door. Fuck, you say to yourself. You really need a ride. "Fine," you say, "I'll do it." "After you just tried to take my money? Fuck no. Get out." "Come on, I'm sorry, I really need a ride," you plead. John looks at you for a moment. Then he replies, "Fine, but now you've got to blow me." "What?!" You demand, pissed again. "You want a ride, you have to get down here and suck my cock. Hell, if you do a good job, I might even throw in that money." You think about it for a while. The idea repulses you, but then again, you did once suck a boy's toes for a dare at a party. This wouldn't really be that different... right? You sigh and then nod. "All right!" he says, and he undoes his pants. With one hand he pulls your head down and with the other he pulls his dick out of his pants. You stare at it for a moment. You've never seen a guy's dick before, at least not in real life. Especially an erect one. You freeze for a moment. "Well, get sucking," the boy tells you, pulling your head down a little more. You brace yourself with your arms, and then you put the tip of his dick in your mouth. Then, slowly, you take it in another couple inches before closing your mouth around it. He leans his head back, but he places his hands on the back of yours. He pushes you up and down on his dick, slowly speeding up. You start thinking to yourself that it's just a popsicle, trying to convince yourself, even though it's not working. A popsicle isn't attached to a guy going "Oh, fuck yeah." You have trouble breathing through some of it, as his dick makes it's way deeper into your mouth, but you somehow make do. You spend a couple minutes sucking his cock before he lets out a groan and you feel his dick shudder. A split second later, you feel his cum hit the back of your mouth. You pull back out of shock and some of the cum sticks to the top of your shirt. John lets you go, and you sit upright again, wiping at your mouth and trying not to vomit. You never thought you'd ever give a blow job, it was always so demeaning, but now you've gone and given one to a random boy in a car. The thought alone makes you shudder.

John stays still for a minute, enjoying his orgasm. Then his tucks his dick back into his pants and zips them back up. "Damn girl! That was great!" He tells you, before starting the car again. He pulls back onto the street and takes you the rest of the way to the high school. You stop him around the corner. You don't want anyone to see you with him. You start to get out, and then you turn back to him. "What about my money?" you say, rather weakly. He fishes out his wallet and hands you some twenties. "You really earned that. Tell you what, you want to earn some more, let me know." You shake your head and exit the car, pocketing the cash as you do. He takes off again, driving to the school parking lot. As you watch him go, you realize that what you just did makes you, by definition, a whore. Then you make a worse realization. The cum that landed on your shirt is very visible, and you don't have an extra one or a jacket. It is, after all, still late August. If you go to classes like this, everyone will notice and you will never, ever live it down. Of course, if you just stand here, you'll draw attention too.

What are you going to do?

Day 1 Equipment:

Cum-Stained Shirt

Time 7:20
Money $100
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