Vampire weekend:help

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:21, 16 July 2010 by Brai (Talk | contribs)
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If you wish to help me expand here a some small rules I'd like you to respect.

  • The vampires in this story are monster who loose all form of humanity the moment they change. They're driven only by their blood-lust and horniness. The beast is pretty much like the beast from WOD:Vampire. A primal urge for blood that overtakes any vampire over time. This has prevents the rise of really old vampires. Usually after two or three centuries either the vampire is destroyed by his own beast or he joins the elders where he is taught how to manage the beast.
  • They do have retractable fangs, their eyes grow red and features change to animalistic when they are under the control of their hunger. To change someone into a vampire it only takes a couple of drops of vampire blood either to be feed to the victim or injected into the blood stream.
  • The vampires don't need that much blood but will never refrain from draining two, three or even more victims a night. General public is unaware of their existence so far even if the authorities are completely under the control of the elders. Police has for instance a clean up crew that is specialised in making disappear the bloodbath that appear every night over the world. This terrible insecurity has brought this world to the edge of madness.
  • The relationship between the thrall and the master is strong yet not absolute. Normally a vampire is not allowed to create new vampires. He needs to ask the representative of the elders the permission to turn one.

One last thing:

Please don't edit the following:

For the rest feel free to do as much mayhem as you want and enjoy the reading.

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