Turn her ?

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:27, 7 June 2010 by Brai (Talk | contribs)

As the dad turns to you he realizes something is wrong with the young girl that brought his Lucy back home.

Your claws rip through his neck as if it was butter showering you in warm blood.

Holding his throat, trying to prevent the blood from leaving him, he falls to his knees.

He dies.

Taking Lucy’s head in your clutches you snatch her from her mother. Before biting hard on the kid’s neck you grin at the mother.

“Don’t you fucking move, bitch, you’re next! She’s just the appetizer”.

In a matter of seconds you drain the kid.

The mother hasn’t moved, she’s covered in the blood of the father.

You walk to her and pinning her to the wall with your talons, you clean her face with your tongue. She’s crying.

You bite her large lips and drink her blood in a perverted kiss.

“Sweeet” you hiss.

You slowly regain control of the beast enjoying the mess it has done. You go to the bathroom to tidy up before burning the house to the ground.

Satisfied, you go back to your penthouse to rest

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