Tales of Illnora Hub

From Create Your Own Story

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It has been so long since your last life... its memories are now just a blur. You don't know how long its been, but it felt like you have been in the Spirit World for eons. Now, it is time for you to go out into the world once again.

As enter the shimmering portal that would allow you to live again, you wonder what kind of life you will soon lead. Not that it matters; you cannot remember anything that happened in the Spirit World while you are alive anyway. The colors swirl around you as you travel onward to your next adventure...

What era do you end up in?

  • The First Empire Era -- This is the earliest known period of time to mortals, it is the time where dragons rule the land absolutely in the form of the mighty First Empire and humans are little more than cavemen. Draconic Magic is at its peak, and peace and prosperity reign supreme... at least until the innate curiosity of the Dragons pushes them to tamper with forces they cannot comprehend, resulting in the Great Cataclysm. Your story will take place about 100 years before the Great Cataclysm.
  • The Great Cataclysm Era -- Taking place during and immediately after the events of the Great Cataclysm, this time period is characterized by chaos and destruction. The Dragon civilization has collapsed, and humans are just now starting to rise up and form their first societies.
  • The Golden Age -- Taking place long after the Great Cataclysm, Illnora is practically a different world entirely. Draconia, the home continent of the Dragons, is now isolated in a pocket dimension from the rest of Illnora, and the Dragons were banished along with it by the Gods for their foolish actions. Now they are mere shadows of their former selves, living in a constant state of warfare and famine. Meanwhile, the Humans have risen to rule over the rest of Illnora and have become powerful magic users in their own right. It is at this point in time that Dragons discover that though they lost most of their ability to use magic, they can still travel between the two worlds of Draconia and Illnora. The resulting confrontation between the two races results in a stalemate and a treaty that should've ensured that the two races could coexist peacefully. Instead, Dragons that enter Illnora effectively become slaves to human Wizards, and the people who were supposed to represent them and protect them, the Dragon Masters are now in on it. And all of this happening as dark forces seek to use this division as opportunity to finish the destruction started with the Great Cataclysm...
  • The Silver Era -- Taking place thousands of years after the Golden Age, this is the time period that most closely resembles a traditional fantasy world. Draconia and Illnora have been reunited into one world and the forces of darkness have been pushed back, but at a great cost: Ancient humanity has suffered a huge technological and magical regression and pureblooded Dragons are thought to be extinct. Humanity has split into many different humanoid and demi-humanoid races (Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Halflings, Tal'Dori, and Goblins being the main races) and now worship pureblooded dragons as though they were their gods, and look to the prophesied day when the Dragon Lord will be born, restore the Dragons to their prominent position as guardians of the world, beat back the waves of darkness, and usher in a new era of peace.\
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