In your office

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:14, 16 August 2018 by Moonlit (Talk | contribs)

You step into your office down the hall. You walk by the two training robots, which you use for your close-combat trainings, to reach your desk. Around it some holographic pieces of art are still on display.

Projecting from the holopad flat on the desk, a message indicates that Captain Brunson will arrive in 30 minutes.

You never remembered her until now. She was...a young and talented imperial.

She flew through the ranks...and it must be lonely.

You know through first experience in empathy...and Eli Vanto who was your career partner because he was your translator doesn't count. For you felt that he only do things for you because he needed to.

Yet...she was probably the only person you relate to. love her as a friend?

You smiled...yet your body clearly is thinking about something WAY off.

You tensed...(down there) grew stiff while your heart raced.

You then imagined kissing her on her left cheek and... snapped out of it horrified at yourself.

That was so highly inappropriate!

You shivered at yourself for ever fantasizing that.

You only wanted to be just her friend!

"What is wrong with making love? It is natural anyways." the fog attempted to soothe.

"Get out of my head." You hissed then fought against the fog.

After a brief while of fighting the fog to come to a single conclusion, you decide to...

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