Make a deal?

From Create Your Own Story

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"Now William, let's not rush things here. Sure, I could let you go but others would come, those that don't care what you do to a slave. In case you haven't noticed the chains which bind her." And as you say that Williams eyes turn towards the chains which hold her hands together, till the point he really hadn't paid much attention to who she was or what she wore with you facing off against his now dead brutes.

"I didn't even notice... damn it all." William muttered under his breath seeing that his plan isn't working out like he planned but...

"You care? Don't you? And how could you not? She is a beauty isn't she?" William marks with a caress of Carla's cheeks with his own face leaving Carla to swear under her breath, her eyes burning with all the anger in her heart towards the man.

"Enough so that I wouldn't wish harm come to her by your hand." Your words are soft but you can see the change of light in Carla's eyes, a softening yet the anger is still present.

"So you won't follow?" Williams voice cracks subtly enough to notice however, Carla's eyes grow wide at the thought of being in William's greasy hands.

"Not exactly. I offer a... arrangement." You lean forward placing your hands on the edge of the table giving an air of superiority causing William to lower the knife from Carla's neck slightly.

"What kinda of... arrangement?" William questions, feeling his power over the situation fading and now resting in your hands.

"He's the deal, the sla- Carla, stays here with me and I keep your house and all thats within it to pay off the debt you own to my father." William goes to raise protest but with a swift raise of your hand he is silenced.

"In exchange, you are free to go and leave this kingdom. If you choose to refuse my offer I shall return to my father, note how you sent armed men to kill me, stole property and refused to pay your debt. At which point armed men will sent off to find you, bring you back and put you in shackles for the rest of your pitiful life." With that you stand erect once more leaving the decision in Williams hands.

"Take all that I own? You must be joking." He questions with the pressing point of his knife into Carla's neck causing her to growl gently.

"Whether you accept my offer or not you won't be able to return to a home that will be guarded by men, as it stands you have a choice; leave with your life and restart, or die in chains." Laying the facts on the table you can see the color drain from Williams face at the thought of losing everything he has worked so hard to earn. After a few moments he lowers his head in defeat.

"It's a deal." He mutters.

"Then run, run far. For if we ever cross paths again you will feast on steel." Your voice grows harsh leaving an icy trail down his spine. With a push Carla is shoved forward by William. Rushing forward you catch her in your arms as your dagger falls from your hands. Looking up you see the faint blur of William leaving through the door you came through, with William no longer a threat you turn your attention towards Carla who is recovering in your arms.

"Are you alright?" You speak softly raising her up by the shoulders till you can look into her green glassy eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine." Carla growls at your straightening up and pulling away as she does so.

"Yes, I can see that." You mutter with a toss of your eyes.

Finding that the upper floor of Williams shop was his living quarters, rather than stay another night in the small confines of a Inn room you decide it would be best to stay the night here. Laying down on the feathery down of the bed you sigh gently with the stress of the day melting from your body, it had been some time since you had a real combat situation you find yourself proud of how it went.

"Are you really not going to follow him?" Carla's voice calls out to your from nearby.

Eyes opening you spot her sitting on the edge of the bed eyeing you through her long hair.

"William? No." You shrug off the question as it holds little merit for you.

"Why not? You have the means to and he did try to murder you-"

"Us." She adds in.

"I could, and I should, but I never go back on my word." You note gently at her remark.

"...what now? What if he comes back, what if-"

"You sure are talkative tonight." Sighing you sit up on your elbows to get a better look at her.

"He could, he might even, and if he does I'll deal with the matter then and there. Until then I see no point of worrying about it. Rather, I suggest sleep." And with that you fall backwards onto the bed with a cushioned fall.

"...would you have really let him take me?" Carla questions leaving you to sigh heavily once more.

"Just can't get you to shut up can I?" Eyes opening you glance at her once more.

"You're still here aren't you? Had I meant to let him take you I would have. Now can I sleep?" Raising a hand you try to way Carla away but her gaze falls upon the cuts that line your hands.

"You're bleeding."

"Hmm..." You glance down at your hands to see the cuts that line your hands, they must have happened when you blocked with your sword. Reaching forward Carla takes a hold of your hand to view the cuts leaving you a tad shocked to see such a display from her.

"We should clean these before infection sets in."


"Yes, I think I owe you that much." Carla notes as she hands your hands lightly in hers.

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