Rush to Trey's defense

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:15, 3 November 2015 by TopSpin9 (Talk | contribs)

Before you can think, your reflexes have taken over. You sprint over and leap into the air, coming down awkwardly and landing on the bully's flank. The force of your fall drives the bully downwards, and your own landing is cushioned by his body being in between you and the hard cement of the sidewalk.

"Ooof," you groan, picking yourself slowly up. Trey retrieves his money and flashes you a thumbs-up before scurrying away from the scene.

The bully appears to be in shock. He's still lying on the ground. You hear feminine giggles and look up. The three hottest, and word around school has it sluttiest, cheerleaders in the school are standing nearby. Logan, Issabele and Chloe -- sexy redhead, a girl with a huge ass, and busty brunette -- are pointing at the bully and cracking on him viciously

"Beat up by a nerd!" Logan cackles.

"What a loser!" Issabele says.

"Why, I could handle him!" Chloe chimes in. "You're a big wimp!"

The bully rises to his feet, takes a moment to get his balance back, and charges the girls. Apparently their merciless needling made him snap. Before they can move, he grabs Chloe and begins choking her viciously. "I'll show you `loser', you blonde bitch!" he snarls.

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Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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