Check the offices

From Create Your Own Story

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Most of the offices are little more than small rooms with a desk or two inside, with uncomfortable looking chairs and a filing cabinet or two. You find little of use in any of them, until you open the very last door.

There, in all it's glory, is the break-room. There are four lovely looking couches inside, a large water cooler nearly full, and several sorts of snacks in various cabinets lining the walls. The fridge in the room is still fairly cool inside, and you find an assortment of drinks and food that you both hungrily consume before it goes bad.

As you start to discuss locking yourself in the windowless room for the night, you hear your car start outside. Both of you leap to your feet, rush back to the door to the station, and peer out. You catch only a glimpse of Mrs. Park, her son, and her daughter as they drive out of the lot and off down the dark roads.

"That bitch!" Melanie screams, slamming a hand against the door-frame. "What the hell is she thinking?"

"I have no idea," you say, shutting the door and bolting it locked. "Maybe she found something in the other side of the station that scared her."

"Great," Melanie says. "Or she's just absolutely bonkers." She gives you a shrug, but eyes the door to the other side of the station anxiously. "What do we do?"

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