Downfall/Move your hand higher
From Create Your Own Story
The next time the cab driver has to break, you use the backward part of the bounce to let your hand slide higher up Julianne's thigh. You do this several times, always letting your hand come to rest higher up than before. When, by your estimation, the distance between your thumb and your mother's intimate parts is just big enough that you won't bump into them with the recoil (that would by any count end in a catastrophe), you stop. Somehow, you feel really, really bold. By now, you are sure that your mum chose to ignore what you are doing - as farfetched as it sounds, how is she supposed not to notice your hand? - so as long as you don't overstep the unwritten boundaries, you might give in into your extraordinary (and ordinary) adventure. Still: you feel bold for having gone so far. It is ridiculous, but then again - who would have done this?
They say that youth is a time where curiosities have to be fulfilled, and your experimental zest has awakened. Isn't it great to have a mother who doesn't immediately condemn you for your actions as long as they stay within certain boundaries? You probably will get the talk, and you will have to be prepared to be very serious, but with you heart racing, you don't care. Right now, the only two things that count are not to overdo it, and to not let Kirsten or Will become aware of it.
The rest of the drive is a bliss. You let loose, enjoying the feeling of your pussy rubbing over your mother's leg. You tilt your pelvis just a bit to get a better angle for your more sensitive parts, although you don't manage to bend enough to get your clitoris involved. That's when your breathing starts to get a bit heavy, which is why you use most of your concentration to take calm, regular breaths. One eye to Kirsten's side (looking out of her window, thank god), one towards Will (headphones on), you give in to the feelings. You start to get wet, not much, but noticeable. The thin cotton of your panties get damp; you can't tell if your mum notices it as well, and you don't ask. Soon, you gently rub your thumb in small circles over Julianne's thigh (yay, multitasking). This goes on for quite a while. Your controlled breathing helps in not getting too excited to lose control, and you can really savor the situation.
Then it happens. Once more, the cabby jams on the brakes, harder than ever. Julianne instinctively holds on to you, and you get thrown back considerably. So does your hand, and your thenar bumps against Julianne's panties, right against her labia. Your mother stiffens. You retract your hand away as quickly as possible and place it on your own thigh. This unfortunate incident has broken the spell. You adjust your dress and adopt a decent position, shifting sidewards so that you are sitting on a butt cheek. Now that the exciting parts has passed, guilt engulfs you.
Although the cab reaches the airport shortly after that, the ride seems to last a thousand years. You manage to get out of the cab without looking at your mother, but when you get your luggage out of the trunk, you (of course!) almost run into her. You blush and look away, and Julianne seems to feel as awkward as you.
You mumble: "Sorry, mum," as if it was because you stand in her way. There is going to be a talk that has unpleasant written all over it...