Talk:Piggy's Day

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:03, 13 July 2014 by Hodari (Talk | contribs)

Here is the story, if anyone is interested: The year is 32011, in an alternative universe not too much unlike ours. Notably, the existance of Heaven and Hell (the real name of which was found to be Helt) was proved in Decemnber 25 of 1934, when a television set in Burbank, California, picked up a show broadcasted from Heaven; aliens known as stick-men built a colony on Earth in 23407, and have lived in relative peace ever since; time travelling is an unusual but a very real prospect; and an omniscent being capable of travelling freely through time, space and realities known as the Alphabet Bird, exists. In 31996 planet Earth passed through the exact middle point of the universe, where equal amount of space exists in all directions. Astronomers determined that only a very tiny amount of land was truly touched by the exact middle, one such point was an abandoned can of cow fat on a beach is Los Angeles. For reasons unknown (actually because of spoilers), this can of lard was instantaneously turned into a sentinent being that looked an awful lot like a pig, and recognized itself being named "Piggy". Though not truly possessing a gender, Piggy preferred to be referred as a male. The other point happened to strike a real pig on the other side of the Earth, called Swine, on an aeroplane flying from Australia to South Africa. Swine was barely aware of hitting the exact point of the universe, but at that moment Swine became capable of spontaneous time travel. On a travel to the 14th century, he met with Piggy for the first time, and moved in with Piggy in suburban Los Angeles. A stick-man named John Timberman, who is addicted to pork after eating bacon on the black market, often times tries to kill you.

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