Try to scare Blake into owing you a favor. Dare her to take off her shirt.

From Create Your Own Story

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"Alright then. I dare you to take off your shirt."

"What? My shirt?" Blake's face turns red and she looks away from you. Was your dare too much? Either way, if she refuses she will owe you a favor, and you are going to milk that favor for all it's worth. It's win-win for you. Unless she backs out of the game altogether, of course.

"I don't know..." she mumbles, playing with the hem of her shirt and shifting her position on the couch.

"You have to do it, it's a dare! If you don't you'll owe me a favor," you remind her. She's still indecisive.

"A-Alright," she finally stammers. "It's just my shirt. It's like wearing my bathing suit." You eyes widen in pleasant surprise. You didn't think she would actually do it, being so shy. She grasps the bottom of her shirt with both hands and pulls it over her head, revealing a black and white striped bra. The material raises her tits slightly as it passes over them and then they drop down, released from their enclosure. Your draw drops before you regain control of yourself and act unfazed. Blake shoots you a scathing look.

"Perv." You just look back at her and grin. "You know it."

She shifts again, obviously uncomfortable with her exposure. "Alright. Truth or dare?"

Maybe a dare will help make things more interesting. What do you choose?

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