D&D: The bandit leader decides she went too far and the bandits grab and subdue her

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:32, 1 April 2014 by Chief (Talk | contribs)

You are slumped over the table, bound, waiting to see that the elf will do to you next. Unfortunately for her, the bandit leader decided she went to far with your torture.

The bandit leader tells her "That's enough! I don't want you to damage her...". The elf turns towards him, surprised "why, I haven't even started! this bitch will lick my boots, whether I have to fry her stupid cunt into submission - and I suggest no one attempts to stop me! besides, money is not a problem for me..."

Unknown to her, someone had already cast a spell on her which renders her magical abilities useless, and as the bandit leader orders his men to grab her, she finds out she is unable to cast any spells. They quickly subdue and strip her, revealing her luscious body. In the meantime, you are released from the table, and both of you are brought before the bandit leader, naked and with your hands tied behind your back.

"This is going to be very simple" the leader tells you both "you will fight each other like that, nude and unarmed. The winner will be released, and the loser will remain here and work for paying the debt..." The crowd cheers and quickly massive gambling is arranged, encouraged by the bandit leader, who knows that most profits will be spent here tonight...

The elf looks at you with anger in her eyes "you stupid bitch, you will pay dearly for it! I will not only beat you, I promise I will find you afterwards and make you suffer...". You flinch from her hatred, but remembering her very recent torture, you harden yourself, knowing you have a chance to escape from this ordeal...

Both of you are untied, as a circle of man is formed around you.

What happens next:

D&D: You gain the upper hand D&D: Stalemate D&D: The elf gain the upper hand

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