Play the middle road: ask her to take her bra off without removing her top.

From Create Your Own Story

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“Kara” you say as she looks at you “take off your bra off without removing your top” and she shock by that remark and she smiles in a sexy away and waits for Adam not to be looking .

As soon as his back is to you she unstraps her bra and pulls it off and throws it to you and you sit on top of it and you both try to look like nothing happened to Adam as he turns to look at both of you, you then whisper in Kara ear “wow that was fast” and she says “well it’s nothing almost every girl can do it, I can even have a bra and shirt and put on another bra and shirt and remove the bra and shirt underneath the bra over the shirt, but tell me why did you ask for me to remove just my bra and not my shirt?”

You pause for a moment and say “because you had a hard week and you need to relax and let loose once in a while” as you massage her shoulders, and she moans a bit as Adam gets off the phone and he asked “What are you doing”?

“Massaging me because I had a hard week, if you listened to me earlier Adam “ Kara says defending you and Adam says “I was listening, I just didn’t care about girls having a fight because one said another was fat in your gymnastics or cheerleading club” as Adam sits back down on the couch.

“At least you care” as she looks up at you and you think I’m just like Adam, I don’t care, but say “yeah” as you continue massaging her, after a while she thanks you and gives you a kiss on the cheek , as a thanks the same way she done since all three of you were kids. As you get your game controller to play with Adam Kara sits close to you and leans her body on you and wraps her arms around your neck feeling her nice firm breast on your arm, you try to ignore it but you can’t and just then the doorbell rings and Adam pauses the game and says “Pizza’s here” and looks at you and Kara and say “you two look like you’re a couple”. Kara replies “why are you jealous, Adam”.

“Not really it’s just weird and if you two were I wouldn’t mind as much” and he walks out the door and down the stairs, “maybe we should” as Kara looks as she thinks about it and ask “what do you think” as she moves to sit in your lap with her hands around your neck. “Or should we just stay friends”?

Do you:

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