Help the nerd and be a hero

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:26, 19 June 2009 by Gr1mm (Talk | contribs)

You decide to be nice and help the poor nerd. You walk up to the nerd, ignoring the bullies, and help him up.

"Thanks Luke Skywalker. You don-Oh. Your not Luke."

"I'm ______________(your name).I'm not even a boy."

"I see that." The nerd adjusts his glasses and smiles."Maybe even an attractive, masculine girl like you can soon be my own Princess Leia...I'm Clyde"

The nerd begans to follow you.Do you...

Stab Him with the secret knife in your backpack

Keep walking as if he wasn't there

Tell him to stop following you

Take it back and make him your emo boyfriend

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

My Chemical Romance CD ,CD Player , Knife, Bookbag

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Emo
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