Phantasm: Dog: Break out after everyone else leaves the shelter tonight.

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You'll strike tonight, after the shelter has closed and she's the only one there.

You wait patiently in your kennel, watching the clock tick to 6 pm. You hear everyone else leave the shelter, and wait a good 15 minutes more to make sure they won't return. Now's the time to strike. You use your powers to unlock the door to your cage. It slowly drifts open with a long screech. You take your first steps into the hallway, and walk past the other dogs that are interned. They look at you as you past, but none bark. You proceed until you reach a pass-coded metal door that leads into the back rooms. Thankfully you're more or less God, so you just unlock it with your powers. The door beeps softly, and you stand up on your back paws and pull the door open.

You plod into the room, and see your target. The veterinarian is sitting in a tall chair, sleeping with her head on her arms on a table. Apparently her whole "staying late for her work" thing is for show. From this angle, you can see up her skirt. She's wearing lacy black panties, but they've been jostled up a bit to the side and you can almost see her pussy. Her tits are also nearly spilling out of her shirt. You can tell that they're at least DDs.

Time for action. What do you do?

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