Hand over the dress(BW)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:47, 30 January 2017 by Blackadder38 (Talk | contribs)

Emma thinks about it carefully knowing her only hope of making it out of here relatively quickly is to do as they ask, she unzips her dress and steps out of it, wishing she could think of something to negotiate with she neatly folds the dress and hands it over to Gem.

Gem takes it off of Emma and slowly circles her before she slaps her gently on the ass.

"Okay Snowflake, that way."

Emma heads in the direction pointed out to her, the trail she's shown is down a tangled and dark path, one which she never would have chosen herself, occasionally they come to an overgrown spot where one of them steps in front of her to hold some dense foliage out of her way, at first she thought they were being kind until she realised that when she passed Gem, she would get her ass slapped, but each time she passed Kat she would squeeze Emma's ass.

While Emma progressed along the trail, it finally dawned on her that these two girls are more interested in semi naked body than helping her find her way out.

Distracted by these thoughts she don't see the root in the path and trips over it landing heavily on all fours, hearing footsteps quicken behind her she wonders what will happen.

Do they?

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