User talk:DirtyMeStoryTime

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Copying Platypus and creating archives! But please, don't leave me messages on my archive pages. Leave them here...

User talk:DirtyMeStoryTime/Archive1

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In The Worst Ways

I know trans women don't generally get treated that way in real life, but I may be injecting a bit of my own fantasy into it. I mean, the whole thing started as my fantasies so lol. Surprisingly progressive rapists and burglars. In real life trans women struggle to get practically anyone who knows to accept them as a real woman.

But they are real women, and unless it's really necessary to the story overall I'd rather not have it be a big huge thing every time I want to write a sex scene for her. The alternative is me writing Janet being beaten or tortured by the burglars for having a dick, and I don't want to do that. Not right there, at least. Maybe in another branch and done by someone else.

As for your friend, I would ask them what to refer to them as. I'm betting she/her but it's better to ask and be sure. Then try to use those pronouns as often as possible as long as it's safe, even if they're not around. Like unless you would be revealing their transgender status to someone they want to keep it a secret to, it's best to keep using it. It may take some getting used to but it's worth it to show them you care enough about them.

They'll likely face many people who, often intentionally, will call them by the wrong pronouns. Having someone consistently use the right pronouns and name is a huge boost in confidence.

I'll see what I can do for the cafe next. I've kinda been doing things as they occur to me :v --In The Worst Ways 06:21, 26 May 2016 (UTC)

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